How to get the most out of high stakes situations

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What is this about?

This is the final contribution to the theme of productivity this October. We will look at a book that helps you get the most out of high stakes situations. The book is called Gravitas by Caroline Goyder. In short Caroline will help you own the room in a variety of anxiety inducing social situations.

How is this different?

I really like the non prescriptive style of the author. Caroline sets out a range of tools and, encourages you to pick out the ones that fit best. This relaxed approach helps you get the best from yourself.

How it can help

This is a mini voice coach in your pocket. Its practical and easy to read. The book will talk you through the features of Gravitas step by step. As a bonus, Caroline provides situation specific tips such as interviews, presentations and talking on TV. A real gem.

Caroline recently did a talk at Ted X Brixton. Check her out here when the video goes up.
You can also get her book on amazon.



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