‘Finding your purpose isn’t enough’


bosslady pink



MARK  ZUCKERBERG: ‘Finding your purpose isn’t enough’

He’s right. Once you have found your purpose you have to live it. Thats why I love Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg. Wow, is she on a mission, with her call to action for all women to ‘lean in’.

Taking action can be scary and overbearing though. You can just feel stuck. Even if you’ve tried and read every self-help book from Amazon (which is literally thousands by the way). If you want to overcome blocks and take massive action, then you’re ready to work with me.

If you can dream it, I can help you achieve it.

So much is possible if you have the courage to live your life by design, instead of by default.

That’s why I named my company vi e-et-animo. It’s Latin for strength and courage. Apply to work with me here.

Sharleene x
Purpose Coach

The health benefits of living your purpose


Having a purpose isn’t just about having more impact in the world. The benefits from your contribution in the world flow back to you. The new study found that people:

  • had a lower risk of heart disease
  • lived longer and,
  • slept better

Check out the short vide for a summary.

