Your More Beautiful than you think



On this second post on the inner critic, I will pivot. I  want you to look at your very own inner beauty. How does the world look,  feel and sound, if you owned your internal beauty?


How would you feel, how would do you connect to others, what does your future look like? Did you get a bigger dream, or bigger ideas for yourself, for others around you?


Try it on for size. Right now. Find a quite space, and connect to what is beautiful, strong and courageous about yourself. List them out and think about what your wrote. Now, think about what your goals are for 2016. How does your News Year resolution list look like  now?


I encourage you wholeheartedly to view 2016 through this new perspective. Let me know how you get on in the comments box below.


I encourage you wholeheartedly to view 2016 through this new perspective. Let me know how you get on in the comments box below.



Coach your ‘inner critic’ and step into your greatness



Coach your ‘inner critic’ and step into your greatness

As we go into the new year I would like you to think about giving something up. I don’t mean the extra biscuit, glass of whine or that toxic friend. I mean something closer to home.


My challenge to you is to give up letting your ‘inner critic’ rule you. You know that voice, the one who gets you to be smaller than you are and gets you to play it safe.


Susan Brady who works with women leaders, provides in this short video, a good basis from which to start giving up the tyranny of your ‘inner critic’. Susan asks us  to coach your ‘inner critic’ rather than let it coach you. Her top tips in this video are:

  • Give up perfection and get comfortable with being imperfect
  • Vulnerability is ok too, make it ok for others to be vulnerable too
  • Know your enough, right now, as you are
  • Separate worthiness (what you are born with) from confidence (which comes from action)
  • Know that the more you engage, the louder the critic will become- strengthen your courage


My message to you as 2015 draws a close: don’t make yourself small, go big in 2016.


Enjoy the video.