3 Steps to tackle your limiting beliefs

IMG_0782 So, how are you? Done something scarey recently? Well  up until last month, its been a while since I have done anything truly scare. But in April, I bit the bullet, I met and overcame a challenge.Thats me on the left, getting into Manhattan for the first time. As a nervous  flyer who always wanted to go to the big apple, I was going to have to tackle my limiting beliefs. That’s exactly what I did. I flew 9 hours from London to JFK, via Shannon. Why the long way round? I wanted to support myself and process immigration  in Ireland- it makes the journey much easier.


A bit of nerves in the immediate run up, but it was well worth it. Manhattan was all it was said to be. Fast, big and, had to be experienced first hand.  I went to Harlem, Wall Street, the United Nations, Central Park, Fifth Avenue and the Lincoln Center to name a few places. It was just amazing. Eating out was fab and the people so friendly.

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That got me thinking about transformational leadership. When your leading others, you  are usually you taking people through a change that while worth it, is totally scary, like flying for a nervous flyer. Remembering the emotional side of change is key. This is what I learnt; CBS:

  • Consistency, once I decided to go, I paid the ticket straight away.  There was no going back!
  • Benefits: I focused on what I was getting at the other end of the flight,  I really ramped that bit up. I spent  a lot of  time thinking about what I was going to gain. 
  • Support: I softened the  parts of  the challenge where I could. I flew business class and made immigration smoother. 

How have you challenged yourself recently,  and what lessons has that provided you with supporting others through change? I would love to hear from you in the comments box bellow.




WOMEN: New Portraits Annie Leibovitz

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After queuing for over an hour, we finally got in. While very busy, the portraits were stunning. Above are a couple of shots. If the exhibition comes to a city near you, do try and see them. You will get a chance to see photos from one of the most iconic photographer of our age.

The exhibition kicked off in London and will be shown in  Tokyo, San Francisco, Singapore, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Istanbul, Frankfurt, New York and Zurich.

I was quite taken by what to me seemed to me to be a study of women’s leadership. The photos showed women who lead at the grass roots, in the social sciences, politics, business, science, arts and philanthropy. Really powerful stuff.



Coach your ‘inner critic’ and step into your greatness



Coach your ‘inner critic’ and step into your greatness

As we go into the new year I would like you to think about giving something up. I don’t mean the extra biscuit, glass of whine or that toxic friend. I mean something closer to home.


My challenge to you is to give up letting your ‘inner critic’ rule you. You know that voice, the one who gets you to be smaller than you are and gets you to play it safe.


Susan Brady who works with women leaders, provides in this short video, a good basis from which to start giving up the tyranny of your ‘inner critic’. Susan asks us  to coach your ‘inner critic’ rather than let it coach you. Her top tips in this video are:

  • Give up perfection and get comfortable with being imperfect
  • Vulnerability is ok too, make it ok for others to be vulnerable too
  • Know your enough, right now, as you are
  • Separate worthiness (what you are born with) from confidence (which comes from action)
  • Know that the more you engage, the louder the critic will become- strengthen your courage


My message to you as 2015 draws a close: don’t make yourself small, go big in 2016.


Enjoy the video.


Inspring female leaderhsip

This is an insightful video about Claire Conner McCaskill’s leadership journey.This isn’t a post about her political positions. This is a video about a women chronicling her career  and, the lessons she learnt along the way.  A lawyer by training, Claire was the first women to be elected to the U.S. Senate for Missouri in her own right. What I found most striking about her story was the importance of confidence in yourself:

  •  tackle gender inequality in your workplace
  • develop your authentic voice
  • take risks
  • get  comfortable with being challenged and, challenging others
  • hold power in balance
  • get  comfortable with making mistakes

Enjoy! Let me know your comments below.



Inspiring Events, Part 3

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My  third and final instalment on inspiring events is the Stylist live,the first of its kind for the London based magazine.
An absolutely fabulous day for friends or, equally a bit of me time. The event was billed as ‘a  four-day festival of cocktails, culture, catwalks and conversation‘ hosted by Edith Bowman and Dawn O’Porter.

The energy was fun, uplifting and defiantly inspiring. Highlights included  38 Learning labs, Catwalk shows showcasing this seasons must haves, the inspire stage with  the likes of Lisa Eldridge and of course shopping with100 boutique stalls. Key lessons from the day for me where

  • Know your value
  • Be confident
  • Feel good

More details and highlights can be found below:


Inspiring Events, Part 2


This is the second of three instalments of my inspiring events series this month.  It was a coaching network event by London Coaches. I was pleasantly surprised and wanted to share some of the ideas in the hope you would find it useful.

The trainer asked us to think about the stories we play out on our lives, the:

  • Characters
  • Location
  • Genres
  • Plot lines

He asked one powerful question: Would changing one of the above elements get you
better outcome/story?

For example,  do you play the warrior at work but nothing works, everyone is screaming -a horror story. The trainer suggested instead using the character of jester to see if this changes up the energy and gets better outcomes, the story you want. That is slaying the dragon/reaching work goal via humour.

My take away was to be mindful of the narratives we have about ourselves and situations and not to get locked into stories that don’t service you- be flexible. You are the director.

Try it!



Centred Leadership

This is a great video on  how remarkable women lead from Joanna Barsh. I found this clip and the whole body of work very inspiring. I believe leadership happens at all levels- this video is relevant to you wherever you are in your career.

I came across this video through the work of Sheryl Sandberg the founder of the lean in movement. I’ve talked lot about lean in,  in previous posts and, have run a lean in circle myself. I’m an advocate.

Once you have a look at this overview video, I highly recommend that you take the time to look at the whole series  – there are 7 videos: http://leanin.org/education/.

If you’re not already joined up to a circle this might be a great time to join.


Lead yourself first

I’m excited to be sharing this video  as it helps me approach leadership from a slightly different, but, helpful angle.

In this post, Kim Lyons takes us through her journey as a personal trainer, including a stint on the Biggest Looser USA. This story is full of great insight into the importance of #leading yourself first.

This video also reminds me of my own leadership journey, it didn’t start with leading others, it started with leading myself.

The lessons I took from the video are relevant to many areas of your life not just health. The take homes that stuck out for me are:

• Do stuff that energizes you
• Take care of yourself
• Learn to keep yourself motivated when it gets tough
• Find your voice and speak up
• Take action towards your goals, however small.

Let me know what you think in the comments box below.


Cultivate the leader in you with Gabrielle Bernstein

This is a great 90 minute video training about authentic leadership. Gabriel looks at leadership through the lens of spirituality. This may be, or may not be ‘your thing’- that said, I feel you could swap out the lexicon of spirituality with that of your own and the message will be the same: if you’re called to lead – lead. There are also some practical tips for those who are action oriented. The ‘take homes’ for me in this very engaging video are:

  • Lead yourself first, inspire you
  • Be authentic
  • Deal with your own challenges
  • Trust your intuition
  • Be grateful for what you have now
  • Be specific in your messages
  • Cultivate your core audiences
  • Lead from where you are
