Get Walking – Get Productive

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75 days ago, I set a 60 day challenge to walk 10,000 steps a day to boost my happiness levels and wellbeing and in turn improve outcomes at work.  The photos above are from my daily walks. I fit them in wherever I can – which is really great.

How is this different

I wanted to test the theories in the the Ted talks and see for myself and report back, rather than just curate what others have said. I wanted to answer the question, does being healthier really make a big difference at work.

How can it help

Well as you know this challenge was originally 60 days and I extended it to 90 days because I was so pleased with the impact. So what have been the benefits at work:

  • Greater levels of focus – helps with doing complex taks
  • Deeper sleep – great for early start sand getting more done in the day
  • Great way to mange change – in a work environment which has lots of change walking keeps me in a constructive mood.

Plus there are loads of other benefits:

  • its free-enough said on that one
  • its social – at the weekend I go on walks with my partner – its a fun way to catch up
  • its thinking time – its great to get out and think through things in a fresh way, a lot like Nilofer’s talk I highlighted in the last post but one.

Let me know how your doing. Not long till the 90 days are up!

Spend on your colleagues to be more productive

So you have been boosting your wellbeing at work, you are more productive and now you’ve been promoted. So what do you do with the extra cash? This talk may have the answer. Michael’s research show a clear link between spending money on others and increasing your happiness. This was found to be true in both wealthy and less well off countries. The amount is not significant, the link is still there if its a small or big spend.

Why it is different

Michael challenges the notion that money can’t bye you happiness. He suggest that money can make you happy – if you spend it right. It is an interesting look at  a new concept of pro social spending.

How it can help

Pro social teams are more productive according to Micahel. Teams that spend money on each other (rather themselves) are more productive and dominate there sector.  Also spending on others  like family, friends and your community will make you happier. He suggest a great website to sponsor resources in schools, check out  Its an online charity that provides a platform to donate directly to projects at public schools.

Happy (social) spending.

Got a meeting, take a walk

Nilofer’s talk is about our sedentarily lifestyle. She reminds us that on average people are sitting 9 hours a day – this can have a negative impact on our health.

Why is different

This video is different in there ways.  First Nilofer doesn’t dwell on the negative. Second, she  gets to the point in 3.5 minutes (refreshingly short!). Finally, she asks us to challenge the choice between taking care of our health or, taking care of our obligations.

How it can help

Nilofer provides us  with an elegant solution that combines well-being and work: Got a meeting, take a walk. The benefits she has experinced are:

  • Getting out of the box (the office)- leads to getting out of the box thinking
  • Walking and talk – is  doable, sustainable and viable
  • Walk the talk – fresh air drives fresh thinking among people at the walk and talk meeting


Hope your 90 day step challenge is going well. Next posts I’ll update you on my progress! Happy walking and talking!

‘Lean in’ and Lead

What is it
This is a talk by Sheryl Sandberg – Chief Operating Officer at Facebook and, is quite a famous talk now. Sheryl talks about how lucky we are as women given the progress been made on gender equality. But, and a big but. The numbers tell us that women are not making it to the ‘top’,  the leadership levels, anywhere. She asks how do we fix this? How do we change these numbers at the ‘top’.

How is it different
To change the stats, Sheryl wants us to focus on what we can do as individuals. What messages we tell ourselves. This for some is a controversial statement given the role structure plays in inequality. Sheryl takes a decidedly different tact and chunks the equality challenge down a couple of notches. She does this by asking what practical steps women can take in their day to day lives to become leaders. This talk is different for me because, rather than just talking about the problem, she also talks bout what she sees as the solution.

How it can help
Sheryl calls women at work to action- to aim for the stars, to ‘lean in’. To push ourselves. She breaks down ‘leaning in’ into three aspects:

  1. Sit at the table – no one gets the promotion if you don’t own or understand your successes.
  2. Make your parter a real partner – make equality in the home a priority. Share the responsibility. (It also leads to happier marriages according research she cites).
  3. Don’t leave before you leave- when you decide to be a mother. Don’t stop going for the promotion. Keep striving. Remember, to leave your child at home, your job better be worth it.

Enjoy leaning in!

Productivity at work update -#90 days to cover the whole summer.




What is it

This week I have posted 5 photos from my #60 day 10,000 step challenge walks.


How is this different

Over the last couple of months we have been looking at the link between happiness and productivity at work. In my last but one post we looked at how walking 10,000 steps a day can boost our mood which, in turn boost productive at work. I decided to test it myself .


How ca it help

So whats the results so far I hear you say. Well, I have a lot more energy during the days – which means more productivity. I also find I have a higher frustration level, so way more relaxed. This is always helpful :). Im also thinking a lot more clearly. Im finding it so helpful, I’m extending the challenge to #90 days to cover the whole summer. 

How are you going? Do let me know!

Happy stepping!



Productivity at work- get social

What is this video about

Dr Emma Seppala  in a succinct and high impact video talks about the the benefits of social connection. Emma explains that after our basic needs have been met -such as food and shelter- connecting with others is our next biggest need. Its so important it is a major predictor of psychological and physical outcomes  such as recovery from disease and length of our life.

Why is this different

Given the data and research on what people value mosts, she challenges the idea that buying something, achieving something or getting recognition will drive our happiness levels. Social connection and the desire to be with others Emma tells us, is the truest source of fulfilment. Loneliness Emmas says is as worst  for us than obesity, smoking and diabetes.

How can this help

If happiness drives productivity at work and connection drives happiness- this link is helpful to understand. This video helps us think about the practical steps we can take to get happier in our day to day lives – connecting. Go on, make that call and arrange that lunch, it will pay dividends for your career in more ways than one I’m sure!

Enjoy getting social!

The secret of success – get enough sleep


What is this video about

This week I continue  the link between well-being and productivity in the workplace.  I’m highlighting an entertaining talk by Arianna Huffington about sleeping to the top: the secret of success is get enough shut eye.

How is this different

This video is also different as its one of the shortest Ted talks I have seen – its 4 minutes and 42 seconds long. Arianna also  ask us to challenge our perception of sleep deprivation as a sign of success.

How can it help

Underlining  this light hearted talk is a serious message. To have enough time to sleep and rest is important. If we have time for rest this is an indicator that we have time to connect with our inner greatness.

Enjoy this one – practicing will be fun!

P.S In relation to my # 60 Day 10,000 Step Challenge check out my twitter updates at ViEtAnimoTweets – I have pictures.


Getting happy – # 60 Day 10,000 Step Challenge

What is this video about

In this weeks video were looking at the wide raging  benefits of walking.

How is this different 

This week, we are doing something a bit different. Over the last couple of posts we looked at the advandatages of being happy at work. This week were going to explore how we can boost are own wellbeing. But lets not just absorb a new pice of info, lets actually do it – join me on the #60 Day 10,000 Step Challenge. 

How can it help

If your not convinced, below are some of the health and social benefits of walking:

  • improves mood and wellbeing
  • reduces stress
  • reduces risk of diabetes and other long term conditions
  • It can also be social!
  • Its totally free
  • It can fit around your schedule

Let me know how you get on over the next 60 days – I will feedback how I get on too. For more info check out the benefits your self via the British National Health Service Guide.

Enjoy the fresh air!


Work that makes you happy – your motivator


What is the video about

In this entertaining and warm talk we, have Daniel pink the renowned author on trends in the workplace. In this video, Daniel shares the science behind workplace motivation.  Behind his charm is a serious message.  Science proves a well known truth:  Doing work you like makes you motivated. He says there is a miss match behind what science knows and what business does. The wikapedia example he uses is pretty interesting.

How is it different

What Daniel tell us is,  in a knowledge based job, higher financial incentives doe not lead to higher motivation.  Money helps of course. But, more money after the point your needs are met, wont drive you. His work leads him to conclude that you are going to have to look for something else to push you to innovate, to think differently .


How will it help

Once your money needs are met, if innovation and thinking are crucial to your job outputs, look for internal incentives . So, for those thinking of there current or next move, be it a project, job or industry, there as some things to think about:

  • Autonomy
  • Mastery
  • Purpose

Enjoy this one – invest in being happy at work, it pays.